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[05-3-E] Polygon series(2/2): Rectangle/Square/Rounded Rectangle Rectangle class object > Container > Mobject > VMobject > Polygon > Rectangle manimlib.mobject.geometry.Rectangle(self, **kwargs) Create a rectangle. By default, a white rectangle with a width is 4 and height is 2 is created around the origin. rect = Rectangle() CONFIG = { "color": WHITE, "height": 2.0, "width": 4.0, "mark_paths_closed": True, "close_new_points": True, } Parameters: **kwargs CON..
[05-3-D] Polygon series(1/2): Polygon/Triangle/ArrowTip In this page, we will learn how to create polygon-like shapes. The top class is Ploygon, and general polygons can be created using Ploygon, such as Rectangle and Triangle. Polygon class object > Container > Mobject > VMobject > Polygon manimlib.mobject.geometry.Polygon(self, *vertices, **kwargs) Create a polygon using given points. By default, a polygon with no inner color and blue outline is cr..
[05-3-C] Line : Arrow/Vector Arrow Class manimlib.mobject.geometry.Arrow(self, *args, **kwargs) object > Container > Mobject > VMobject > TipableVMobject > Line > Arrow Create a line with an arrow on one side. Like Line class, you can also take both endpoints as input and create a arrow with them. CONFIG = { "stroke_width": 6, "buff": MED_SMALL_BUFF, "max_tip_length_to_length_ratio": 0.25, "max_stroke_width_to_length_ratio"..
[05-3-B] Line series(1/2): Line/DashedLine In Madam, there are six classes for drawing line-like shapes. All of them inherit the TipableVMobject class, so you can draw an arrow at the end of the line. Line(start, end): Create a line connecting start and end DashedLine(start, end): Create dotted line Arrow(start, end): Create an arrow line between start and end TangentLine(vmob, alpha): Creates a tangent at the alpha position of the 'vmob..
[05-3-A] Common Methods All shapes are created by inheriting VMobject. Since this VMobject is a class that inherits from Mobject, the shapes can use all Mobject methods and VMobject methods covered in the [05-1]Common methods of Mobject Here, we will look at some of VMobject's common methods that are not covered in '[05-1]Common methods of Mobject', which are frequently used in shapes. Summary of Frequently Used VMobje..
[05-3]Shapes Manim provides classes to create shapes such as line, circles, and rectangles. You can use these classes to create shape objects and animate them to express them. Class Diagram for shapes All shapes are created by inheriting VMobject. This VMobject is a class that inherits Mobject, which means Vectorized Mobject(Math object). The Text, TexMobject, and TextMobject discussed in the previous chapte..
[05-2-C] TextMobject: for Equation and Text While TexMobject treats LaTex formulas by default, TextMobject treats plain strings by default and only strings between $ and $ as LaTex formulas. TextMobject class object > Container > Mobject > VMobject > SVGMobject > SingleStringTexMobject > TexMobject > TextMobject manimlib.mobject.svg.text_mobject.TextMobject(self, *tex_strings, **kwargs) Make the tex_strings given as arguments an object th..
[05-2-B]TexMobject: for equation TextMobject class object > Container > Mobject > VMobject > SVGMobject > SingleStringTexMobject > TexMobject manimlib.mobject.svg.text_mobject.TexMobject(self, *tex_strings, **kwargs) Makes the tex_string string given as an parameter into an object that can be rendered by Manim. The tex_string is a formula string expressed as a LaTex expression. If multiple formula strings are entered, each stri..
[05-2-A] Text: for general text string Text class can only handle normal characters, not formulas. Instead, you can specify and use all fonts on your PC, and rendering is fast. (Rendering: Collecting multiple scenes into a video) Therefore, it is more convenient to use the Text class than TextMobject when it contains plain strings without formulas. Text class object > Container > Mobject > VMobject > SVGMobject > Text manimlib.mobjec..
[05-2] Text, Equation There are 3 classes for text and equation in Manim. Text TexMobject TextMobject Text class can only handle normal characters, not formulas. Instead, you can specify and use all fonts on your PC, and rendering is fast. (Rendering: collect multiple scenes into a video) TexMobject class is a formula-only class. All the passed strings are treated as LaTex formula strings. LaTex expression: On a comp..