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Programming/Manim Lectures



Manim provides classes to create shapes such as line, circles, and rectangles. You can use these classes to create shape objects and animate them to express them.


Class Diagram for shapes

All shapes are created by inheriting VMobject. This VMobject is a class that inherits Mobject, which means Vectorized Mobject(Math object).


The Text, TexMobject, and TextMobject discussed in the previous chapter are all subclasses of VMobject.


The figure below is a  Class Diagram for all shape classes inherited from VMobject.


In this chapter, we will look at methods that are common to all shape classes, and classify each shape class into several series and explain each series.



[05-3-A] Common Methods

[05-3-B] Line series(1/2): Line/DashedLine

[05-3-C] Line : Arrow/Vector

[05-3-D] Polygon series(1/2): Polygon/Triangle/ArrowTip

[05-3-E] Polygon series(2/2): Rectangle/Square/Rounded Rectangle

[05-3-F] Arc series: Arc/ArcBetweenPoints/CurvedArrow

[05-3-G]Arc series(2/2): Circle/Dot/CurvedDoubleArrow/...

[05-3-H] Other Shapes: Elbow/CubicBezier


Next: [05-3-A] Common Methods


[05-3-A] Common Methods

All shapes are created by inheriting VMobject. Since this VMobject is a class that inherits from Mobject, the shapes can use all Mobject methods and VMobject methods covered in the [05-1]Common meth..


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