Rectangle class
object > Container > Mobject > VMobject > Polygon > Rectangle
manimlib.mobject.geometry.Rectangle(self, **kwargs)
Create a rectangle.
By default, a white rectangle with a width is 4 and height is 2 is created around the origin.
rect = Rectangle()
"color": WHITE,
"height": 2.0,
"width": 4.0,
"mark_paths_closed": True,
"close_new_points": True,
Parameters: **kwargs
CONFIG values of Rectangle and Polygon/VMobject/Mobject
Frequently used variables are:
- color=WHITE: line color. possible to use ' ' to set the line color
- height=2.0: height length
- width=4.0: width length
- stroke_width=4: line thickness
- fill_color=None: set color for inner space of rectangle
- fill_opacity=0.0: set opacity for inner space of rectangle
Square class
object > Container > Mobject > VMobject > Polygon > Rectangle > Square
manimlib.mobject.geometry.Square(self, **kwargs)
Create a square.
By default, a white square with a width of 2 and a height of 2 is created around the origin.
square = Square()
"side_length": 2.0,
Parameters: **kwargs
Square 및 Rectangle/Polygon/VMobject/Mobject 의 CONFIG 값
주로 사용되는 값은,
- side_length=2: 정사각형의 한 변의 길이
- color=WHITE: 선의 색상 지정. 를 지정해도 동일한 효과
- stroke_width=4: 선의 두께 지정.
- fill_color=None: 객체 내부 색상 지정
- fill_opacity=0.0: 객체 내부 투명도 지정
RoundedRectangle class
object > Container > Mobject > VMobject > Polygon > Rectangle > RoundedRectangle
manimlib.mobject.geometry.RoundedRectangle(self, **kwargs)
Create a rectangle with rounded corners.
By default, a white rectangle is created, width of 2 and height of 1, around the origin.
rect = RoundedRectangle()
"corner_radius": 0.5,
Parameters: **kwargs
CONFIG values of RoundedRectangle and Rectangle/Polygon/VMobject/Mobject
Frequently used variables are:
- corner_radius=0.5: Determines the roundness of the corners.
Value greater than zero.
The greater the roundness, the greater the roundness
- side_length=2: The length of one side of the square
- color=WHITE: line color
- stroke_width=4: line thickness
- fill_color=None: color for inner space of the rectangle
- fill_opacity=0.0: transparancy of inner space
You can determine the roundness of the corners by adjusting the corner_radius value.
The value should be a value greater than 0, and the larger the value, the greater the roundness. If the value of corner_radius is greater than the length of one side of the rectangle, the shape becomes strange.
Below is an example of creating a rectangle based on the value of corner_radius. If the length of the vertical is 1, and corner_radius> 1, you can see that the shape changes strangely.
def round_test(self):
values = [0.1, 0.5,1,1.5,2]
def get_rect(val):
rect = RoundedRectangle(corner_radius=val).scale(0.5)
text = Text(str(val), size=0.3, stroke_width=0).next_to(rect, UP)
return VGroup(rect,text)
rects = VGroup(*[get_rect(v) for v in values])
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