[06-1-I] Animation : Special Effect
Broadcast class object > Animation > AnimationGroup > LaggedStart > Broadcast manimlib.animation.specialized.Broadcast(self, focal_point, **kwargs) At one point, concentric circles spread out in all directions. CONFIG = { "small_radius": 0.0, "big_radius": 5, "n_circles": 5, "start_stroke_width": 8, "color": WHITE, "remover": True, "lag_ratio": 0.2, "run_time": 3, "remover": True, } Parameters: ..
[06-1-F] Animation : Transformation series (2/3)
CyclicReplace class object > Animation > Transform > CyclicReplace manimlib.animation.transform.CyclicReplace(self, *mobjects, **kwargs) Move the given mobjects one by one. The first one changes to the second, the second to the third, the last one to the first, and so on, as if on a circular cycle. self.play(CyclicReplace(tri, square, circle), run_time=3) CONFIG = { "path_arc": 90 * DEGREES, } P..