분류 전체보기 (284) 썸네일형 리스트형 [04-2] Move to absolute position(move_to) As we saw in the previous page, Manim can acess the screen position with (x,y,0) coordinates. x has a value between [-7.1, 7.1] and y has a value between [-4.0, 4.0] (x,y) coordinates can't be expressed with only one decimal place. You can use up to the number of decimal places the float variable can represent, such as (1.54, 0.981) The method to move an object to the coordinates positon on the .. [04-1]Coordinate System Manim expresses a specific position on the screen with the combination of (x,y,z), with the screen as the x-axis and the vertical as the y-axis and z is zero. The x-axis has a left end value of -7.1, the right end is 7.1, and the y axis has -4.0 at the bottom and 4.0 at the top. The total frame height value is defined as 'FRAME_HEIGHT' and frame width is defined as 'FRAME_WIDTH' in the manimlib/.. [04]Coordinate This chapter explains Coordinate System used in the Manim. [04-1]Coordinate System [04-2] Move to absolute position(move_to) [04-3] Move to absolute position(to_edge) [04-4] Move to absolute position(to_corner) [04-5] Move to relative position(next_to) [04-6] Move to relative position(shift) [04-7] Examples: Object moving animation [04-8]Examples: Text arranging Next: [04-1]Coordinate System Go .. [03-6] Manim Components : Coordinate, Mobject, Animation) The process of creating a video in Manim can be said, "Create an object and animate it in the screen coordinate system." For example, if you consider the case of displaying a text object called 'Hello Manim' with a FadeIn effect in the center of the screen, the concept of object, coordinate system, animation will come in contact with you. The objects, coordinate systems, and animations discussed.. [03-5] Manim execution arguments All execution arguments can be found by running 'python -m manim' in the Command Prompt window. C:\now\manim>python -m manim usage: manim.py [-h] [-p] [-w] [-s] [-l] [-m] [--high_quality] [-g] [-i] [-f] [-t] [-q] [-a] [-o FILE_NAME] [-n START_AT_ANIMATION_NUMBER] [-r RESOLUTION] [-c COLOR] [--sound] [--leave_progress_bars] [--media_dir MEDIA_DIR] [--video_dir VIDEO_DIR | --video_output_dir VIDEO.. [03-4] Watch samples (PyCham) There is an example file in the downloaded manim package. C:/now/manim/example_scenes.py Here is sample code to create multiple videos. In this page, I will show you how to run this example_scenes.py in PyCham. 1. If there is no file of example_scenes.py in the C:/now/manim folder, please copy & paste from the original directory extracted the files from the downloaded zip file. 2. Run PyCham pro.. [03-3] Explain about "Hello Manim" code In this page, I will explain about 'Hello Manim' code which is used in the previous page. from manimlib.imports import * class HelloManim(Scene): def construct(self): text=TextMobject("Hello Manim") self.play(Write(text)) self.wait() from manimlib.imports import * All of the packages used by Manim are declared in the manimlib/imports.py file. So, if you insert the phrase 'from manimlib.imports i.. [03-2] Create "Hello Manim" (PyCham) It's possible to use Notepad++ to make your code for Manim animation but I recommend you use PyCham as a code editor. The advantages of PyCham comapred to notepad++ are, Excellent automatic-code-completion (automatically recommends the remaining charactes when typing only a part of variable or method name) Go to the definition functionality by 'Ctrl-B' short-key When you want to use a function o.. [03-1] Create "Hello Manim" (notepad++) Let's make a video that displays the text 'Hello Manim' on the screen with notepad++ program and run the code using Command Prompt in Windows. You can also use notepad, not notepad ++, or a common text editor like Ultraedit. I recommend using PyCham as a development environment, but there is no problem in making a video using Manim even using general text editor such as notepad++. If you want to.. [03]Hello Manim The first thing to do when learning a programming language is to print a simple string like “Hello World”. Here again, we will make a video that prints "Hello Manim" string on the screen. This way, you'll get a rough idea of how you created the video. I use PyCham program when writing Python and Manim code. I've also used notepad++ and Visual Studio, but PyCham was the easiest and most effective.. 이전 1 ··· 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ··· 29 다음