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Programming/Manim Lectures

[03-4] Watch samples (PyCham)


There is an example file in the downloaded manim package.




Here is sample code to create multiple videos. 


In this page, I will show you how to run this example_scenes.py in PyCham.


1. If there is no file of example_scenes.py in the C:/now/manim folder, please copy & paste from the original directory extracted the files from the downloaded zip file.


2. Run PyCham program and open 'manim' project created in the previous chapter.


3. Open example_scenes.py file by double-clicking in the Project Explorer window in the PyCham.


4. Modifiy Run/Debug Configurations like below.


5. Press Shift-F10 key

Now, when you press Shift-10 key to execute, a list of 5 classes will be displayed as below, and you will be asked for the number of which class to select. 


Type a number you want to create.



Created video will be as follows:


1.  OpeningManimExample



2. SquareToCircle



3. UpdatersExample:



4. WarpSquare




5. WriteStuff



Next:  [03-5] Manim execution arguments


[03-5] Manim execution arguments

All execution arguments can be found by running 'python -m manim' in the Command Prompt window. C:\now\manim>python -m manim usage: manim.py [-h] [-p] [-w] [-s] [-l] [-m] [--high_quality] [-g] [-i]..


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