All shapes are created by inheriting VMobject. Since this VMobject is a class that inherits from Mobject, the shapes can use all Mobject methods and VMobject methods covered in the [05-1]Common methods of Mobject
Here, we will look at some of VMobject's common methods that are not covered in '[05-1]Common methods of Mobject', which are frequently used in shapes.
Summary of Frequently Used VMobject Method
- set_fille: Fill the inside of a shape object with a given color
- set_stroke: determines the color, thickness, and transparency of the shape outline
- match_style: Change to the style of the target object
- set_opacity: Change the transparency of the inner color and outline of the object to the specified value
manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.set_fill(self, color=None, opacity=None, family=True)
Fills the inner part of a shape object with a given color.
Note that opacity=None=0 is the default value, so if you specify only the color value, it is transparent and the color is invisible. Therefore, opacity must be specified as a value between [0,1].
Parameters: color=None
Color to fill shape.
You can specify constants, such as RED and BLUE, specified in,
or directly assign a color value such as "#236B8E".
Parameters: opacity=None
0 is transparent, closer to 1 is opaque
Parameters: family=True
In the case of a group object composed of several sub-objects,
it is determined whether to paint all the sub-objects.
The object itself with set_fill applied
rect = Rectangle()
rect.set_fill(RED_C, opacity=1)
manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.set_stroke(self, color=None, width=None, opacity=None, background=False, family=True)
Determine the color, thickness, and transparency of the shape outline.
Parameters: color=None
Specifies the color of the outline.
Parameters: width=None
Specifies the thickness of the outline. Generally, 3 is suitable.
Parameters: opacity=None
Transparency of the outline. 0 if transparent, 1 if opaque
Parameters: background=False
Eliminate the background lines of the outlines,
so they match well when they overlap other objects (just like the background).
Parameters: family=True
In the case of a group object composed of several sub-objects,
it is determined whether to reflect all the specified values for the sub-objects.
The object itself, whose outline properties have changed
The difference between background=True and background=False can be seen by comparing the two shapes below.
Background=True on the left, background=False on the right
manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.match_style(self, vmobject, family=True)
Match to the style of the target object.
The types of styles reflected are as follows.
- fill_color
- fill_opacity
- stroke_color
- stroke_width
- stroke_opacity
- background_stroke_color
- background_stroke_width
- background_stroke_opacity
- sheen_factor
- sheen_direction
- background_image_file
Parameters: vmobject
Parameters: family=True
Target object.
After getting the style of this object with vmobject.get_style(),
it will change the style of the current object with this style.
Returns: The styled object itself
manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.set_opacity(self, opacity, family=True)
Replaces the transparency of the object's inner color and outline with the specified values.
Parameters: opacity
Transparency value.
[0,1] Sight value. 0 if transparent, 1 if opaque
Parameters: family=True
In the case of a group object composed of several sub-objects,
it is determined whether to reflect all the specified values for the sub-objects.
Returns: The styled object itself
Next: [05-3-B] Line series(1/2): Line/DashedLine
[05-3-B] Line series(1/2): Line/DashedLine
In Madam, there are six classes for drawing line-like shapes. All of them inherit the TipableVMobject class, so you can draw an arrow at the end of the line. Line(start, end): Create a line con..
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