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[07-5 Code] Fastest FFT code for Java

This page introduce very fast FFT code for Java.
It will execute FFT calculation for 64 kBytes input data in 10ms.

Execution result of Test_FFFT class

** test_simple_fft **
8.0, 0, -2.0+4.82842712474619i, 0, 0, 0, -2.0+0.8284271247461898i, 0, 0, 0, -1.9999999999999998-0.8284271247461898i, 0, 0, 0, -1.9999999999999993-4.82842712474619i, 0, 

** test_measure_time **
Execution Time(32kB): 5ms

Execution Time(64kB): 7ms


Source Code

// FFFT.java 
// 2022.8.5  Created by HJ
package fourier;

public class FFFT {
	public static void fft(double[] XR, double[] XI) throws Exception{	
		//1. check 2^n count -> error. no zero padding
		int N = XR.length;
		if (  (N !=0) && ((N & (N-1)) != 0) ) 
        	throw new RuntimeException("The input size should be power of 2");
		if ( N != XI.length ) 
        	throw new RuntimeException("The size of Real and Imaginary array should be same"); 		
		//2. calculate W
		int N2 = N >> 1; //N2 = N/2
		double[] WR = new double[N2]; //real part
		double[] WI = new double[N2]; //imaginary part		
		double T = 2 * Math.PI / N;
		double theta=0;		
		for(int i=0;i<N2;++i) {
			theta = T*i;
			WR[i] = Math.cos(theta);
			WI[i] = -Math.sin(theta);
		//3. calculate index for bottom-up style fft and arrange input data
		int nBits = (int)(Math.log(N) / Math.log(2));
		int k=0;
		double tmp;
		for(int num=1;num<(N-1);++num) { // 0 and last num is not changed. so [1,N-2]
			int d = 0;
			for(int i=0;i<nBits;++i) {
				k = (int) (num >> (nBits-1-i));
				d = d + ((k & 1) << i); 
			if(num < d) { //change each other
				tmp = XR[num];
				XR[num] = XR[d];
				XR[d] = tmp;
		//5. calculate fft		
		double TR, TI; //T = X[j+half] * W[k]		
		int regionSize, kJump, half;
		int blockEnd;
		for(int loop=0; loop < nBits; ++loop) { //nBits == totalLoop			
			regionSize = 1 << (loop+1); 	//if N=8: 2 -> 4 -> 8
			kJump = 1 << (nBits - loop -1);	//if N=8: 4 -> 2 -> 1	
			half = regionSize >> 1;
			for(int i=0; i<N; i += regionSize) {				
				blockEnd = i + half - 1; 	
				k = 0;
				for(int j=i; j<=blockEnd; ++j) {
					//T = X[j+half] * W[k]
					TR = WR[k] * XR[j+half] - WI[k] * XI[j+half];
					TI = WI[k] * XR[j+half] + WR[k] * XI[j+half];
					XR[j+half] = XR[j] - TR;
					XI[j+half] = XI[j] - TI;
					XR[j] = XR[j] + TR;
					XI[j] = XI[j] + TI;					
					k += kJump;					
	// make "a+bi" style complex string
	public static String getCplxStr(double a, double b) {
		String s = "";
		String im_ch = "i";
		if(a==0 && b==0) {
			s = "0";
		}else if(a == 0) {
			s = b + im_ch;
		}else if(b == 0) {
			s = "" + a;
		}else if(b > 0) {
			s = a + "+" + b + im_ch;
		}else {
			s = "" + a + b + im_ch;
		return s;


//2022.8.5  Created by HJ
package test;

import fourier.FFFT;

public class Test_FFFT {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		try {
		} catch (Exception e) {			
	// 1. test for simple a few data
	private static void test_simple_fft() throws Exception{
		int N=16;		
		double[] XR = {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1}; //input
		double[] XI = new double[N]; // initial value is zero
		System.out.println("** test_simple_fft **");
		//1. calculate FFT for a few data. (count = 8)	
		FFFT.fft(XR, XI);
		for(int i=0;i<XR.length;++i) System.out.print(FFFT.getCplxStr(XR[i], XI[i])+", ");		
	// 2. measure execution time to 32k, 64k size data 
	private static void test_measure_time() throws Exception{
		long beforeT, diffT;
		int N = 0;
		System.out.println("\n** test_measure_time **");
		//1) 32kB data
		N = (int)Math.pow(2, 15);			
		double[] XR32 = new double[N];
		double[] XI32 = new double[N];
		for(int i=0;i<N;++i) XR32[i] = Math.cos(2*Math.PI*0.004*i);
		beforeT = System.currentTimeMillis();
		FFFT.fft(XR32, XI32);
		diffT = System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeT;
		System.out.println("Execution Time(32kB): " + diffT + "ms");
		for(int i=0;i<4;++i) System.out.println("["+i+"]"+FFFT.getCplxStr(XR32[i],XI32[i])+", ");
		for(int i=N-4;i<N;++i) System.out.println("["+i+"]"+FFFT.getCplxStr(XR32[i],XI32[i])+", ");
		//2) 64kB data
		N = (int)Math.pow(2, 16);		
		double[] XR64 = new double[N];
		double[] XI64 = new double[N];
		for(int i=0;i<N;++i) XR64[i] = Math.cos(2*Math.PI*0.004*i);
		beforeT = System.currentTimeMillis();
		FFFT.fft(XR64, XI64);
		diffT = System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeT;
		System.out.println("Execution Time(64kB): " + diffT + "ms");
		for(int i=0;i<4;++i) System.out.println("["+i+"]"+FFFT.getCplxStr(XR64[i],XI64[i])+", ");
		for(int i=N-4;i<N;++i) System.out.println("["+i+"]"+FFFT.getCplxStr(XR64[i],XI64[i])+", ");


- The End -


 Before: 07-5. 가장 빠른 Java용 FFT 구현해보기
 Next: 07-6. Java로 FFT 알고리즘 충실히 구현하기
 Next: 07-7. C로 짠 FFT Code

