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Programming/Manim Lectures

[02-3]Using the Manim in the new directory


If you want to make a movie using Manim in a directory other than the 'C:/dev/manim' directory installed in the previous chapter, you can do the following.


The reason why you want to use a different folder is, you may need to modify the Manim library code by yourself when making a video, so leave the original library at 'C:/dev/manim', and you can edit the library in another directory.


1. Create a new directory such as 'C:/now/manim'

2. Copy all files and sub-directories in the 'C:/dev/manim/manimlib/' directory to the 'C:/now/manim/manimlib' directory.

3. Copy 'C:/dev/manim/manim.py'  and 'C:/dev/manim/example_scenes.py' files to the 'C:/now/manim' directory


The final result in the 'C:/now/manim' directory will be like below: 



example_scenes.py is not must-have file to run Manim library, but it is required to test some sample code. 


Let's test the sample code in the new manim directory.   

Type below command and type '1' for Choice(s)


  C:/now/manim/python -m manim example_scenes.py -pl



If you want to play 'OpeningManimExamples' class in the 'example_scenes.py', the standard command to render it is 'python -m manim example_scenes.py OpeningManimExample'

However, if you omit the class name you want to render, the all classes in the file will be displayed and ask you to choose one of them. 


The created video will be saved as 'C:/now/manim/media/videos/example_scends/480p15/OpeningManimExample.mp4' file and automatically be played after creation the file.




Now you're finished all things nedd to create video using Manim library.

From the next page, let's start with a simple example and start development.


Nex page is '[02-4]Multilingual setting in LaText' but if you don't need to set to multilingual setting such as Korean character, you can skip this page and go to '[03]Hello Manim' page.

Next: [02-4]Multilingual setting in LaText


[02-4]Multilingual setting in LaText

Korean character Append '\usepackage{kotex}' in the manimlib/tex_template.tex file. Chinese character Chinese character package is already included in the manimlib/template.tex file as below. If yo..


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