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Programming/Manim Lectures

[02-2]Download and Install the Manim package


Install Manim package

1. Download Manim package from here: https://github.com/3b1b/manim



Animation engine for explanatory math videos. Contribute to 3b1b/manim development by creating an account on GitHub.



2. unzip downloaded zip file into the directory you want to use.


Manim library dosen't need to install it but only unzip the package is enough to use it.


Let's suppose you want to use 'C:/dev/manim' as the Manim development directory. Then, unzip the downloaded 'manim-master.zip' file into the 'C:/dev' directory, and the zip file will make 'C:/dev/manim-master' directory and unzip the files into the directory. 

After that you can change 'C:/dev/manim-master' directory to 'C:/dev/manim'


files in the C:/dev/manim directory


3. Install required other packages


Manim need other Python package such as colour, numpy etc. The required packages are listed in the requirements.txt and you can install required package using this file.


   C:/dev/manim/>pip3 install -r requirements.txt



Pycairo is also required package and it is in the requirements.txt. However, the pycairo package is already installed in the previous page downloding the whl file to the local directory because it's not installed propely by on-line method. 
That's the reason why install Pycairo ahead in the previous page.



Check installed Manim package

Enter below command in the Manim installed directory.


  C:/dev/manim/python -m manim -h



Now you can make video clip using the Manim library.


Let's make a vedeo using the sample code in the Manim directory.


   C:/dev/manim>python -m manim example_scenes.py SquareToCircle -pl


The video below will automatically run.



Next: [02-3]Using the Manim in the new directory


[02-3]Using the Manim in the new directory

If you want to make a movie using Manim in a directory other than the 'C:/dev/manim' directory installed in the previous chapter, you can do the following. The reason why you want to use a different..


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